

19 months ago Paul Boddie Updated program loading and roadmap notes.
     1 = Program Loading =     2      3 The provision of [[Paging|paging]] of file content leads to the possibility of     4 demand paging for programs, enabling them to be loaded into memory dynamically     5 and to have only the active portions of those programs resident. To achieve     6 this, programs must be appropriately initialised in new tasks, with a page     7 fault handler configured to provide program file content whenever a region of     8 the program payload is encountered that is not currently resident in memory.     9     10 <<TableOfContents(2,3)>>    11     12 == Program Initialisation ==    13     14 To load and initialise a program, a new task must be created, defining a    15 separate address space for the program and allowing it to operate    16 independently of other programs. For a program to actually run, a thread of    17 execution must be created so that the program's instructions can be read and    18 processed.    19     20 == Internal Page Fault Handlers ==    21     22 When satisfying page faults for a task, one approach involves situating the    23 page fault handler within the task itself, this managing the available memory    24 regions and employing receive windows when requesting memory pages.    25     26 The general arrangement involving such internal page fault handlers for a    27 program in a task is as follows:    28     29 ######## A graph showing the internal paging mechanism    30     31 {{{#!graphviz    32 #format svg    33 #transform notugly    34 digraph internal_paging {    35   node [fontsize="12.0",fontname="sans-serif",shape=box];    36   edge [fontsize="12.0",fontname="sans-serif"];    37   rankdir=LR;    38     39   TaskMemory [shape=record,label="Task Memory |<s> stack | ... |<d> data | ... |<c> code"];    40     41   subgraph {    42     rank=same;    43     44     InternalPager;    45     InternalPager_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Resides in\nsame task and\ndefines scope of\nfault resolution"];    46     47     InternalPager -> InternalPager_note [dir=none,style=dotted];    48   }    49     50   subgraph {    51     rank=same;    52     53     Regions [shape=record,label="Regions |    54                                  {<s> stack |<sd> stack-dataspace } |    55                                  {<d> data | <dd> data-dataspace } |    56                                  {<c> code |<cd> code-dataspace } |..."];    57     58     ReceiveFlexpage [shape=note,label="Flexpage\n(receive window)"];    59     60     Flexpage [shape=note];    61     Flexpage_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Satisfies\nmemory\naccess"];    62     63     Flexpage -> Flexpage_note [dir=none,style=dotted];    64   }    65     66   subgraph {    67     rank=same;    68     69     ResourceD [label="Resource\n(Pager)"];    70     ResourceD_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Provides access\nto file content"];    71     72     ResourceD -> ResourceD_note [dir=none,style=dotted];    73   }    74     75   ProgramFile [shape=record,label="Program File | ... |<d> data |<c> code | ..."];    76     77   /* Page fault handling. */    78     79   TaskMemory:d -> InternalPager [label="page fault"];    80     81   InternalPager -> Regions:d [label="find region"];    82     83   Regions:dd -> ResourceD [style=dashed];    84     85   InternalPager -> ReceiveFlexpage [dir=none];    86   ReceiveFlexpage -> ResourceD [label="map"];    87     88   ResourceD -> ProgramFile:d [style=dashed];    89     90   ResourceD -> Flexpage [dir=none];    91   Flexpage -> InternalPager;    92 }    93 }}}    94     95 ########    96     97 == External Page Fault Handlers ==    98     99 Another approach is to employ an external page fault handler in the creating   100 task. When a page fault occurs, the external handler ensures that the   101 appropriate content has been brought into its own memory space. It then   102 returns a flexpage from the handler routine to resolve the fault.   103    104 ######## A graph showing the external paging mechanism   105    106 {{{#!graphviz   107 #format svg   108 #transform notugly   109 digraph external_paging {   110   node [fontsize="12.0",fontname="sans-serif",shape=box];   111   edge [fontsize="12.0",fontname="sans-serif"];   112   rankdir=LR;   113    114   TaskMemory [shape=record,label="Task Memory |<s> stack | ... |<d> data | ... |<c> code"];   115    116   subgraph {   117     rank=same;   118    119     ExternalPager_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Resides in\nseparate task"];   120     ExternalPager;   121    122     ExternalPager_note -> ExternalPager [dir=none,style=dotted];   123    124     MappedFlexpage [shape=note,label="Flexpage\n(positioned)"];   125     MappedFlexpage_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Satisfies\nmemory\naccess"];   126    127     MappedFlexpage -> MappedFlexpage_note [dir=none,style=dotted];   128   }   129    130   subgraph {   131     rank=same;   132    133     Regions [shape=record,label="Regions |   134                                  {<s> stack |<sd> stack-dataspace } |   135                                  {<d> data | <dd> data-dataspace } |   136                                  {<c> code |<cd> code-dataspace } |..."];   137    138     L4Re [shape=ellipse,label="L4Re paging\nfunctionality"];   139     L4Re_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Supports normal\naccess to file content"];   140    141     L4Re -> L4Re_note [dir=none,style=dotted];   142    143     Flexpage [shape=note];   144   }   145    146   subgraph {   147     rank=same;   148    149     ResourceD [label="Resource\n(Pager)"];   150     ResourceD_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Provides access\nto file content"];   151    152     ResourceD -> ResourceD_note [dir=none,style=dotted];   153   }   154    155   ProgramFile [shape=record,label="Program File | ... |<d> data |<c> code | ..."];   156    157   /* Page fault handling. */   158    159   TaskMemory:d -> ExternalPager [label="page fault"];   160    161   ExternalPager -> Regions:d [label="find region"];   162    163   Regions:dd -> ResourceD [style=dashed];   164    165   ExternalPager -> L4Re;   166   L4Re -> ResourceD [label="map"];   167    168   ResourceD -> ProgramFile:d [style=dashed];   169    170   ResourceD -> Flexpage [dir=none];   171   Flexpage -> ExternalPager;   172    173   ExternalPager -> MappedFlexpage [dir=none];   174   MappedFlexpage -> TaskMemory:d;   175 }   176 }}}   177    178 ########   179    180 This arrangement may be used to support a program deployed in a task. Since an   181 internal page fault handler is just another kind of program, this external   182 pager arrangement can be constrained to only supporting an internal page fault   183 handler deployed in a task.   184    185 == Configuring Programs ==   186    187 To provide an internal page fault handler alongside an actual program to be   188 run, the following arrangement is used:   189    190 ######## A graph showing the configuration arrangement   191    192 {{{#!graphviz   193 #format svg   194 #transform notugly   195 digraph program_configuration {   196   node [fontsize="12.0",fontname="sans-serif",shape=box];   197   edge [fontsize="12.0",fontname="sans-serif"];   198   rankdir=LR;   199    200   subgraph {   201     rank=min;   202    203     CreatingTask_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Responsible for\ncreating the\nnew task"];   204     CreatingTask [label="Creating task"];   205    206     CreatingTask_note -> CreatingTask [dir=none,style=dotted];   207   }   208    209   subgraph {   210     rank=max;   211    212     IPCGate_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Created for sharing\nbetween the tasks"];   213     IPCGate [shape=octagon,label="IPC gate"];   214    215     IPCGate_note -> IPCGate [dir=none,style=dotted];   216   }   217    218   InitCaps [shape=record,label="<head> Initial capabilities | {<s> ENV_INTERNAL_PAGER_NAME |<c> capability }"];   219    220   subgraph {   221     rank=same;   222    223     InternalPager;   224     InternalPager_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Starts and binds\nto IPC gate"];   225    226     InternalPager -> InternalPager_note [dir=none,style=dotted];   227    228     Program;   229     Program_note [shape=note,style=filled,fillcolor=gold,label="Starts and references\npager via IPC gate"];   230    231     Program -> Program_note [dir=none,style=dotted];   232   }   233    234   /* Create and transfer IPC gate for binding. */   235    236   CreatingTask -> IPCGate [label="create"];   237   CreatingTask -> InitCaps:head [label="define"];   238   InitCaps:c -> IPCGate;   239    240   /* Thread initiation. */   241    242   CreatingTask -> InternalPager [label="start"];   243   InternalPager -> InitCaps:s [label="bind"];   244    245   CreatingTask -> Program [label="start"];   246   Program -> IPCGate -> InternalPager [style=dashed];   247 }   248 }}}   249    250 ########   251    252 The creating task performs the following operations:   253    254  1. Create an IPC gate for communication between the program and its pager.   255    256  1. Map the IPC gate into the created task to be accessible via a given   257     capability slot.   258    259  1. Define the IPC gate in the pager's initial capabilities using a   260     well-defined name, allowing the pager to look up the capability in its   261     environment.   262    263  1. Start the pager which itself obtains the IPC gate capability and binds to   264     it, making itself available as the pager for the program.   265    266  1. Set the pager of the program to the IPC gate as mapped within the task.   267    268  1. Start the program which is already configured to send page faults via the   269     IPC gate to the pager.   270    271 Upon starting, the program will encounter a page fault immediately, unless   272 some additional work was done to map memory pages into the task in advance.   273 The internal pager or page fault handler will attempt to resolve these faults   274 as they occur, being contacted by the kernel on the program's behalf.