
Annotated docs/encodings.html

2005-04-10 paulb [project @ 2005-04-10 21:11:25 by paulb] Added links to more unwritten documents. Added information about query strings, request methods, request parameters and character encodings.
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<h1>Character Encodings</h1>
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<p>WebStack tries to let applications work with Unicode as much as possible,
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but there are two places where plain Python strings can be involved:</p>
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  <li>When <a href="responses.html">output is prepared</a> - for example, Web
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  <li>When <a href="parameters.html">inspecting request parameters</a>.</li>
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<p>Although WebStack has some support for detecting character encodings used
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in requests, it is often best for your application to exercise control over
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which encoding is used when <a href="parameters.html">inspecting request
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parameters</a> and when <a href="responses.html">producing responses</a>. The
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best way to do this is to decide which encoding is most suitable for the data
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presented and received in your application and then to use it throughout.
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Here is an outline of code which does this:</p>
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<pre>from WebStack.Generic import ContentType
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class MyResource:
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    encoding = "utf-8"                                                     # We decide on "utf-8" as our chosen
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                                                                           # encoding.
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    def respond(self, trans):
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        [Do various things.]
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        fields = trans.get_fields_from_body(encoding=self.encoding)        # Explicitly use the encoding.
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        [Do other things with the Unicode values from the fields.]
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        trans.set_content_type(ContentType("text/html", self.encoding))    # The output Web page uses the encoding.
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        [Produce the response, making sure that self.encoding is used to convert Unicode to raw strings.] </pre>
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