paulb@283 | 1 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> |
paulb@283 | 2 | <html xmlns=""><head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type" /><title>Template Attribute Reference</title> |
paulb@283 | 3 | <meta name="generator" content="amaya 8.1a, see" /> <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head> |
paulb@283 | 4 | <body><h1>Template Attribute Reference</h1> |
paulb@283 | 5 | <p>This document presents each of the attributes used in |
paulb@283 | 6 | templates to annotate the structure of the XML documents being |
paulb@440 | 7 | presented and to modify the final output of the presented document.</p><h2>Basic Annotations</h2><p>The annotation attributes in this section are the most basic of those available. Apart from <code>template:element</code> and <code>template:i18n</code>, it is usually preferable to use the annotations listed in the "Convenience Annotations" section below.</p><h3><a name="element"></a>template:element</h3><p>This |
paulb@287 | 8 | attribute associates the template element on which it is used with an |
paulb@287 | 9 | element from the XML document being presented. Matching elements are |
paulb@287 | 10 | found from the current position (or context), where the position |
paulb@393 | 11 | is updated upon entering a template element with a <code>template:element</code> or <code>template:attribute</code> annotation.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="item"><br /> For each item element found, this section is produced.<br /> <span template:element="subitem"><br /> For each subitem element found within an item element, this is produced.<br /> </span><br /> <span template:element="other"><br /> This is produced for each other element found within an item element.<br /> </span><br /></p></pre><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="first,second,third"><br /> For each third element found, this section is produced.<br /></p></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>element-name1[,element-name2[,...]]</pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:init</code></li></ul><h3><a name="attribute"></a>template:attribute</h3><p>This attribute associates the template element on which it is used with an attribute in the XML document being presented.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="item"><br /> <span template:attribute="value"><br /> This section is associated with the value attribute of the item element.<br /> To be really useful, we should also use other annotations to produce the value of the attribute.<br /> </span><br /></p></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>attribute-name</pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:value</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-field</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-button</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-area</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-list-button</code></li></ul><h3><a name="value"></a>template:value</h3><p>This attribute produces, in the final output, the value of part of the XML document being presented.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="item"><br /> <span template:attribute="value" template:value="$this-value"><br /> This text will be replaced by the value of the attribute, but the span template element will remain.<br /> </span><br /></p></pre><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="item"><br /> <span template:attribute="value" template:value="$this-value" template:effect="replace"><br /> This text and its enclosing span element will be replaced by the value of the attribute.<br /> </span><br /></p></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>XPath-expression</pre><p>Here, the underlying XPath mechanisms are exposed, but a number of useful shortcuts are available:</p><ul><li><code>$this-value</code> produces the value of the current position (or context) in the XML document being presented.</li><li><code>template:this-attribute()</code> produces a reference to the current attribute (or context).</li></ul>Other XPath expressions can be used to navigate from the current position to other nodes in the XML document.<p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:effect</code></li></ul><h3><a name="effect"></a>template:effect</h3><p>This attribute modifies the effect of a <code>template:value</code> annotation.</p><p>Example:</p><p>(See above.)</p><p>Syntax:</p><pre><span style="font-weight: bold;">insert</span>|<span style="font-weight: bold;">replace</span></pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:effect</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-area</code></li></ul><h3><a name="if"></a>template:if</h3><p>This |
paulb@287 | 12 | attribute permits the inclusion of a section of the template document |
paulb@287 | 13 | according to a test performed on the XML document being presented.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:if="@value = 'true'"><br /> If the value attribute is set to the string value 'true', include this section.<br /></p></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>XPath-expression</pre><p>Here, |
paulb@287 | 14 | the underlying XPath mechanisms are exposed, and any XPath expression |
paulb@444 | 15 | which tests aspects of the XML document can be written.</p><h3><a name="i18n"></a>template:i18n</h3><p>This |
paulb@440 | 16 | attribute is used to translate the textual contents of an element to |
paulb@440 | 17 | another language where additional parameters specifying the language |
paulb@440 | 18 | and the whereabouts of the translations have been provided to the |
paulb@527 | 19 | stylesheet in the output generation process.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><span template:i18n="-">Hello</span></pre><p>In this example, the contents of the <code>span</code> element would be replaced with an appropriate translation for the text <code>Hello</code><span></span>.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><span template:i18n="hello">Hello</span></pre><p>In this example, the contents of the <code>span</code> element would be replaced with an appropriate translation using the token <code>hello</code><span></span> as a key in the translation dictionary.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><span template:i18n="{$this-value}">Hello</span></pre><p>In this example, the value of the special template variable <code>$this-value</code> is used as a key in the translation dictionary.</p><p>Syntax:</p><pre><span style="font-weight: bold;">-</span>|<span style="font-weight: bold;">{</span>expression<span style="font-weight: bold;">}</span>|token</pre><p>See the <a href="internationalisation.html">"Internationalisation"</a> document for more information on this attribute.</p><h2>Initialisation Annotations</h2><p>The annotation attributes in this section control the initialisation of documents where this is done by the XSLForms toolkit.</p><h3><a name="init"></a>template:init</h3><p>This attribute controls the creation of elements in the initialisation process and is used together with <code>template:element</code>. For each element name listed in a <code>template:element</code> annotation, the corresponding value in a <code>template:init</code> annotation states whether or how such elements are to be initialised.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="item" template:init="no"><br /> Such item elements will not be created automatically when the document is initialised.<br /></p></pre><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="first,second,third" template:init="yes,yes,no"><br /> The first and second elements will be created automatically when the document is initialised.<br /> No third elements will be created automatically when the document is initialised.<br /></p></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre><span style="font-weight: bold;">yes</span>|<span style="font-weight: bold;">no</span>|<span style="font-weight: bold;">auto</span>[,<span style="font-weight: bold;">yes</span>|<span style="font-weight: bold;">no</span>|<span style="font-weight: bold;">auto</span>[,...]]</pre><p>Here, <code>yes</code> means that an element will be created automatically, <code>no</code> means that an element will not be created automatically (relying on the existence of such elements from before), and <code>auto</code> |
paulb@287 | 20 | means that the initialisation process will attempt to guess whether an |
paulb@287 | 21 | element should be created automatically (by looking for selectors which |
paulb@287 | 22 | use the element's name and only creating elements where no such |
paulb@287 | 23 | selectors could be found). Where no values are provided, <code>auto</code> is assumed.</p><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:element</code></li></ul><h2>Convenience Annotations</h2><p>The |
paulb@287 | 24 | annotation attributes in this section provide more convenient ways of |
paulb@393 | 25 | presenting the XML document information in the final output.</p><h3><a name="attribute-field"></a>template:attribute-field</h3><p>This |
paulb@287 | 26 | attribute associates the template element on which it is used with an |
paulb@287 | 27 | attribute from the XML document, whilst providing certain other |
paulb@393 | 28 | attributes in the final output:</p><ul><li>The <code>name</code> attribute is used to identify the location of the attribute in the XML document being presented.</li><li>The <code>value</code> attribute is used to present the value of the attribute from the XML document.</li></ul><p>Example:</p><pre><input template:attribute-field="name" name="..." value="..." type="text"/></pre><p>This would be output as follows:</p><pre><input name="path-to-name" value="value-of-name" type="text"/></pre><p>...where <code>path-to-name</code> and <code>value-of-name</code> would be replaced with the appropriate computed values.</p><p>Syntax:</p><pre>attribute-name</pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:attribute-area</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-button</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:attribute</code></li></ul><h3><a name="attribute-area"></a>template:attribute-area</h3><p>This |
paulb@287 | 29 | attribute associates the template element on which it is used with an |
paulb@287 | 30 | attribute from the XML document being presented, much in the way |
paulb@287 | 31 | that <code>template:attribute-field</code> does. However, the |
paulb@287 | 32 | attribute value is not inserted into an attribute in the final output; |
paulb@287 | 33 | instead it is inserted into the output in a different way according to |
paulb@393 | 34 | additional information specified in the annotation.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><textarea template:attribute-area="name" name="..." cols="40" rows="5"><br /> This text will be replaced by the value of the name attribute from the document being presented.<br /> The textarea element will enclose the attribute value in the final output.<br /></textarea></pre><p>Example:</p><pre><p><br /> The name is:<br /> <span template:attribute-area="name,replace"><br /> This text will be replaced in the final output, and the span element will not be reproduced.<br /> </span><br /></p></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>attribute-name[,<span style="font-weight: bold;">insert</span>|<span style="font-weight: bold;">replace</span>]</pre><p>By default, the value of <code>attribute-name</code> is inserted within the template element on which the annotation appears, and this is equivalent to specifying <code>insert</code>. If <code>replace</code> is specified, the template element is entirely replaced by the value of <code>attribute-name</code>.</p><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:attribute-field</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:attribute</code></li></ul><h3><a name="attribute-button"></a>template:attribute-button</h3><p>This attribute associates the template element on which it is used |
paulb@287 | 35 | with an attribute from the XML document, whilst providing certain other |
paulb@393 | 36 | attributes in the final output, much like <code>template:attribute-field</code> does, but with features which make the presentation of buttons and related user interface controls much simpler:</p><ul><li>The <code>name</code> attribute is used to identify the location of the attribute in the XML document being presented.</li><li>The <code>value</code> attribute is used to present a specified value associated with the button being activated.</li><li>An additional named attribute is used to indicate whether the button was activated or set.</li></ul><p>Example:</p><pre><input template:attribute-button="question-type,text,checked" name="..." value="..." type="radio"/></pre><p>This would produce a "radio" button like the following:</p><pre><input name="path-to-question-type" value="text" type="radio"/></pre><p>If the value of <code>question-type</code> was set to text, output like the following would be produced:</p><pre><input name="path-to-question-type" value="text" type="radio" checked="checked"/></pre><p>In an XHTML document, this would cause the "radio" button to appear selected or activated.</p><p>Syntax:</p><pre>attribute-name,attribute-value,attribute-to-create-when-set</pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:attribute-field</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-list-button</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:attribute</code></li><li><code>template:expr</code></li><li><code>template:expr-attr</code></li></ul><h3><a name="selector-field"></a>template:selector-field</h3><p>This |
paulb@287 | 37 | attribute permits the definition of references to the parts of the XML |
paulb@287 | 38 | document being presented which are associated with the template |
paulb@287 | 39 | elements in which it is used. When used in certain HTML form-related |
paulb@287 | 40 | elements, it becomes possible to receive and obtain such references |
paulb@287 | 41 | from the XSLForms toolkit and to then access the selected parts of the |
paulb@287 | 42 | original document.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="item"><br /> <input template:selector-field="remove" name="..." value="Remove this item" type="submit"/><br /></p></pre><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:element="item"><br /> An item...<br /></p><br /><input template:selector-field="add,item" name="..." value="Add item" type="submit"/></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>selector-name[,element-name]</pre><p>The |
paulb@287 | 43 | optional element name can be used to associate the selector with other |
paulb@287 | 44 | elements; when this is done, the initialisation of the XML document |
paulb@287 | 45 | will be affected such that the named element will not be automatically |
paulb@287 | 46 | created in the initialisation process, since the presence of the |
paulb@287 | 47 | selector implies that such elements can be added and removed in the |
paulb@393 | 48 | application user interface.</p><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:element</code></li></ul><h2>Multiple-choice Annotations</h2><p>The annotation attributes in this section provide ways of presenting enumerations and selections of values.</p><h3><a name="multiple-choice-field"></a>template:multiple-choice-field</h3><p>This |
paulb@287 | 49 | attribute associates the template element on which it is used with an |
paulb@287 | 50 | attribute in the XML document being presented whose value is to be |
paulb@287 | 51 | chosen from a list of possibilities. The list itself is represented by |
paulb@287 | 52 | a list of elements, each having an attribute with a distinct |
paulb@287 | 53 | value; such information is added in the initialisation of the |
paulb@287 | 54 | document before it is presented, since it is not part of the |
paulb@467 | 55 | "essential" information in the document.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><select template:multiple-choice-field="base-system,value" name="..."><br /> ...<br /></select></pre><p>Example:</p><pre><select template:multiple-choice-field="-,question-type" name="..."><br /> ...<br /></select></pre><p>See below for an example combining this attribute with the <code>template:multiple-choice-value</code> attribute.</p><p>Syntax:</p><pre>element-name|<span style="font-weight: bold;">-</span>,attribute-name[,<span style="font-weight: bold;">new</span>|,<span style="font-weight: bold;">new</span>,<span style="font-weight: bold;">dynamic</span>|,,<span style="font-weight: bold;">dynamic</span>]</pre><p>Where the special value <code>-</code> |
paulb@287 | 56 | is given as the element name, the context element is chosen as the |
paulb@287 | 57 | element in the XML document being presented whose attribute is |
paulb@467 | 58 | involved. Where the optional parameter <code>new</code> is given, the attribute is assumed not to already exist on the element. Where the optional parameter <code>dynamic</code> is given, the source of the multiple-choice values is considered to be found dynamically rather than from another document.</p><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:multiple-choice-value</code></li><li><code>template:multiple-choice-list-field</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:element</code></li><li><code>template:attribute</code></li></ul><h3><a name="multiple-choice-value"></a>template:multiple-choice-value</h3><p>This |
paulb@287 | 59 | attribute associates the template element on which it is used with an |
paulb@287 | 60 | element in the XML document being presented whose purpose is to hold |
paulb@428 | 61 | one of a list of selectable values (as described above).</p><p>Example:</p><pre><select template:multiple-choice-field="base-system,value" name="..."><br /> <option template:multiple-choice-value="base-system-enum,value,selected" value="..."/><br /></select></pre><p>This presents the following document fragment:</p><pre><base-system value="c"><br /> <base-system-enum value="a"/><br /> <base-system-enum value="b"/><br /> <base-system-enum value="c"/><br /></base-system></pre><p>The output from the combination of the above would be as follows:</p><pre><select name="path-to-base-system"><br /> <option value="a">a</option><br /> <option value="b">b</option><br /> <option value="c" selected="selected">c</option><br /></select></pre><h4>Values and Labels</h4><p>Labels different from the actual values employed can be specified using an extra parameter in the annotation:</p><pre><select template:multiple-choice-field="base-system,value" name="..."><br /> <option template:multiple-choice-value="base-system-enum,value,selected,text()" value="..."/><br /></select></pre><p>This |
paulb@428 | 62 | additional parameter is an XPath expression whose context is the |
paulb@428 | 63 | current value-bearing element. The above example selects the text from |
paulb@428 | 64 | inside each <code>base-system-enum</code> element in the modified document fragment presented below.</p><p>A modified document fragment providing the labels can be written as follows:</p><pre><base-system value="c"><br /> <base-system-enum value="a">A</base-system-enum><br /> <base-system-enum value="b">B</base-system-enum><br /> <base-system-enum value="c">C</base-system-enum><br /></base-system></pre><p>The output from the modified combination would be as follows:</p><pre><select name="path-to-base-system"><br /> <option value="a">A</option><br /> <option value="b">B</option><br /> <option value="c" selected="selected">C</option><br /></select></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>list-element-name,list-attribute-name,attribute-to-create-when-selected[,content-expression]</pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:multiple-choice-field</code></li><li><code>template:multiple-choice-list-value</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:element</code></li><li><code>template:expr</code></li><li><code>template:expr-attr</code></li><li><code>template:value</code></li></ul><h3><a name="multiple-choice-list-field"></a>template:multiple-choice-list-field</h3><p>This attribute is similar to <code>template:multiple-choice-field</code> |
paulb@287 | 65 | except that it associates the template element on which it is used with |
paulb@287 | 66 | an element in the XML document being presented containing a list |
paulb@287 | 67 | of elements whose values have been selected. This list of selected |
paulb@287 | 68 | elements is expanded before presentation to include elements whose |
paulb@287 | 69 | values have not been selected. Consequently, the selected elements are |
paulb@287 | 70 | marked in a particular way to distinguish them from the non-selected |
paulb@467 | 71 | elements.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><select template:multiple-choice-list-field="question-types,question-type-enum,question-type" name="..." multiple="multiple"><br /> ...<br /></select></pre><p>See below for an example combining this attribute with the <code>template:multiple-choice-list-value</code> attribute.</p><p>Syntax:</p><pre>element-name|<span style="font-weight: bold;">-</span>,list-element-name,list-attribute-name[,<span style="font-weight: bold;">dynamic</span>]</pre><p>Here, <code>element-name</code> is the element in the document being presented which contains the selected value elements; if the special value <code>-</code> is given then the context element is the element containing the selected value elements. The <code>list-element-name</code> and <code>list-attribute-name</code> indicate the details of the elements providing the list of selectable values. Where the optional parameter <code>dynamic</code> is given, the source of the multiple-choice values is considered to be found dynamically rather than from another document.</p><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:multiple-choice-list-value</code></li><li><code>template:multiple-choice-list-element</code></li><li><code>template:multiple-choice-field</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:element</code></li></ul><h3><a name="multiple-choice-list-value"></a>template:multiple-choice-list-value</h3><p>This attribute is similar to <code>template:multiple-choice-value</code> |
paulb@287 | 72 | in that it associates the template element on which it is used with an |
paulb@287 | 73 | element holding a value in a list of selectable values, with the |
paulb@287 | 74 | principal difference that potentially many such values may be selected |
paulb@428 | 75 | in this case.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><select template:multiple-choice-list-field="question-types,question-type-enum,question-type" multiple="multiple"><br /> <option template:multiple-choice-list-value="question-type-enum,question-type,selected" value="..."/><br /></select></pre><p>This presents the following document fragment:</p><pre><question-types><br /> <question-type-enum question-type="text"/><br /> <question-type-enum question-type="choice" value-is-set="true"/><br /> <question-type-enum question-type="special" value-is-set="true"/><br /></question-types></pre><p>The output from the combination of the above would be as follows:</p><pre><select name="path-to-question-types" multiple="multiple"><br /> <option value="text">text</option><br /> <option value="choice" selected="selected">choice</option><br /> <option value="special" selected="selected">special</option><br /></select></pre><h4>Values and Labels</h4><p>Labels different from the actual values employed can be specified using an extra parameter in the annotation:</p><pre><select template:multiple-choice-list-field="question-types,question-type-enum,question-type" multiple="multiple"><br /> <option template:multiple-choice-list-value="question-type-enum,question-type,selected,text()" value="..."/><br /></select></pre><p>This additional parameter is an XPath expression whose context is |
paulb@428 | 76 | the current value-bearing element. The above example selects the text |
paulb@428 | 77 | from inside each <code>base-system-enum</code> element in the modified document fragment presented below.</p><p>A modified document fragment providing the labels can be written as follows:</p><pre><question-types><br /> <question-type-enum question-type="text">Text</question-type-enum><br /> <question-type-enum question-type="choice" value-is-set="true">Choice</question-type-enum><br /> <question-type-enum question-type="special" value-is-set="true">Special</question-type-enum><br /></question-types></pre><p>The output from the modified combination would be as follows:</p><pre><select name="path-to-question-types" multiple="multiple"><br /> <option value="text">Text</option><br /> <option value="choice" selected="selected">Choice</option><br /> <option value="special" selected="selected">Special</option><br /></select></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>list-element-name,list-attribute-name,attribute-to-create-when-selected[,content-expression]</pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:multiple-choice-list-field</code></li><li><code>template:multiple-choice-value</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:element</code></li><li><code>template:expr</code></li><li><code>template:expr-attr</code></li><li><code>template:value</code></li></ul><h3><a name="multiple-choice-list-element"></a>template:multiple-choice-list-element</h3><p>This attribute works in much the same way as <code>template:multiple-choice-list-field</code> except that it does not add a <code>name</code> attribute to the template element on which it is used. The purpose of this attribute, along with <code>template:attribute-list-button</code>, is to provide an alternative approach to presenting lists of selectable values.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:multiple-choice-list-element="question,question-types,question-type"><br /> ...<br /></p></pre><p>See below for an example combining this attribute with the <code>template:attribute-list-button</code> attribute.</p><p>Syntax:</p><pre>element-name|<span style="font-weight: bold;">-</span>,list-element-name,list-attribute-name</pre><p>Here, <code>element-name</code> is the element in the document being presented which contains the selected value elements; if the special value <code>-</code> is given then the context element is the element containing the selected value elements. The <code>list-element-name</code> and <code>list-attribute-name</code> indicate the details of the elements providing the list of selectable values.</p><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:multiple-choice-list-field</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-list-button</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:element</code></li></ul><h3><a name="attribute-list-button"></a>template:attribute-list-button</h3><p>This attribute works in much the same way as <code>template:attribute-button</code> |
paulb@287 | 78 | does, but instead presents a button or related user interface control |
paulb@287 | 79 | whose state reflects the presence of an attribute on an element in a |
paulb@287 | 80 | collection of elements.</p><p>Example:</p><pre><p template:multiple-choice-list-element="question,question-types,question-type"><br /> <input template:attribute-list-button="question-type,checked" name="..." value="..." type="checkbox"/><br /></p></pre><p>Given an XML document like this...</p><pre><question><br /> <question-types question-type="text" value-is-set="true"/><br /> <question-types question-type="choice"/><br /></question></pre><p>...the following would be produced as output:</p><pre><p><br /> <input name="path-to-question-type" value="text" type="checkbox" checked="checked"/><br /></p><br /><p><br /> <input name="path-to-question-type" value="choice" type="checkbox"/><br /></p></pre><p>Syntax:</p><pre>attribute-name,attribute-to-create-when-set</pre><p>Related attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:multiple-choice-list-element</code></li><li><code>template:attribute-button</code></li></ul><p>Implementing attributes:</p><ul><li><code>template:attribute</code></li><li><code>template:expr</code></li><li><code>template:expr-attr</code></li></ul><h2>Internal Annotations</h2><p>The special annotations <code>template:expr</code> and <code>template:expr-attr</code> |
paulb@287 | 81 | are used respectively to test an XPath expression in the current |
paulb@287 | 82 | context and to provide the name of an attribute which is to be created |
paulb@557 | 83 | in the final output, should the expression evaluate to a true value.</p><h2>Housekeeping Annotations</h2><p>In order to support explicit, additional namespaces in output document processing, the special <code>expr-prefix</code> |
paulb@557 | 84 | attribute can be used to ensure the presence of a namespace declaration |
paulb@557 | 85 | in the generated stylesheet files. Consider the usage of various |
paulb@557 | 86 | stylesheet extension functions:</p><pre><body><br /> <p><br /> <span template:value="sum(str:split('1 2 3 4 5'))">result</span><br /> </p><br /></body></pre><p>For the stylesheet which produces the output, the <code>str</code> |
paulb@557 | 87 | namespace will need to be declared somewhere. To do this, we must not |
paulb@557 | 88 | only declare the namespace in the template document, but we must also |
paulb@557 | 89 | provide a hint to the stylesheet processor that the namespace is |
paulb@557 | 90 | important (even though it is only mentioned in the text of an |
paulb@557 | 91 | attribute, which might persuade some XML processing toolkits to abandon |
paulb@557 | 92 | the namespace declaration).</p><pre><body xmlns:str="" str:expr-prefix="str"><br /> <p><br /> <span template:value="sum(str:split('1 2 3 4 5'))">result</span><br /> </p><br /></body></pre><p>What the special <code>expr-prefix</code> |
paulb@557 | 93 | attribute does is to provide that hint to the stylesheet processor, |
paulb@557 | 94 | although XSLTools also uses the attribute for other internal purposes. |
paulb@557 | 95 | Consequently, the resulting output stylesheet is able to find the <code>str:split</code> extension function and to evaluate the expected result.</p><h3>Fixing Annotations</h3><p>One important application of the <code>expr-prefix</code> |
paulb@557 | 96 | attribute is the restoration of damaged attributes after the editing of |
paulb@557 | 97 | a template document using a less than careful HTML editor. Consider the |
paulb@557 | 98 | above document fragment after a small edit in Nvu:</p><pre><body expr-prefix="str" str=""><br /> <p><br /> <span value="sum(str:split('1 2 3 4 5'))">result!</span><br /> </p><br /></body></pre><p>Nvu has obviously decided to remove the <code>str</code> and <code>template</code> namespace prefixes. To revert this damage, a tool is provided with XSLTools called <code></code> (found in the <code>scripts</code> directory in the source distribution), and this tool will attempt to re-add namespace declarations for <code>template</code> automatically (since the <code>template</code> namespace is obviously the basis of XSLForms) along with any namespaces declared using <code>expr-prefix</code> attributes. The tool is invoked as follows:</p><pre> template.xhtml template_fixed.xhtml</pre><p>Since |
paulb@557 | 99 | namespace declarations may be moved to the root element of the new |
paulb@557 | 100 | template document, it is possible that some problems may result |
paulb@557 | 101 | with documents using namespaces in advanced ways, but the tool |
paulb@557 | 102 | should provide a reasonable solution for most documents.</p></body></html> |