

2009-01-18 Paul Boddie Updated release procedures. Removed import from
     1 #!/usr/bin/env python     2      3 """     4 A test of SVG events using somewhat modified and fixed versions of various W3C     5 examples and a tentative event handler initialisation mechanism.     6      7 The specifications are explicit about things like .jar files and inline scripts,     8 but remain vague about some of the mechanisms. Moreover, the initialiser     9 interface appears to be part of the "global" object, yet treatment of that    10 object is also vague, and the specifications focus on plugging in arbitrary    11 initialisers via .jar files and their metadata.    12 """    13     14 import libxml2dom.svg    15     16 s = """\    17 <svg xmlns="" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny"    18      xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 500 500">    19   <script type="application/x-python" xlink:href=""/>    20   <g xml:id="group1" fill="red">    21     <rect xml:id="therect" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100"/>    22   </g>    23 </svg>    24 """    25     26 class Global(libxml2dom.svg.SVGGlobal):    27     28     "An event handler initialiser for the above document."    29     30     def initializeEventListeners(self, scriptElement):    31         document = scriptElement.ownerDocument    32         rect = document.getElementById("therect")    33         rect.addEventListenerNS(, "click", Handler(), 0, None)    34         g = document.getElementById("group1")    35         g.addEventListenerNS(, "click", Handler(), 0, None)    36     37 class Impl(libxml2dom.svg.SVGImplementation):    38     39     "A special implementation referring to the above global class."    40     41     def get_global(self, doc):    42         return Global(doc)    43     44 class Handler:    45     46     "An event handler."    47     48     def handleEvent(self, event):    49         print "Event handled in", event.currentTarget.localName, "in phase", event.eventPhase    50     51 d = libxml2dom.svg.parseString(s, impl=Impl())    52 rect = d.getElementById("therect")    53 event = d.createEvent("MouseEvent")    54 event.initEventNS(, "click", 1, 1)    55 event.detail = "1"    56 d.sendEventToTarget(event, rect)    57     58 s2 = """\    59 <svg xmlns="" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny"    60      xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 500 500"    61      xmlns:ev="" xmlns:exns="">    62   <script xml:id="init" type="application/x-python" xlink:href=""/>    63   <g xml:id="group1" fill="red">    64     <handler type="application/x-python" ev:event="click" ev:phase="capture" xlink:href="#init" exns:listenerClass="Handler"/>    65     <rect xml:id="therect" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100">    66       <handler type="application/x-python" ev:event="click" xlink:href="#init" exns:listenerClass="Handler"/>    67     </rect>    68   </g>    69 </svg>    70 """    71     72 class Global2(libxml2dom.svg.SVGGlobal):    73     74     "An event handler initialiser for the above document."    75     76     def createEventListener(self, handlerElement):    77         listenerInstance = None    78         try:    79             listenerClass = handlerElement.getAttributeNS("", "listenerClass")    80             listenerInstance = globals()[listenerClass]()    81         except:    82             pass    83         return listenerInstance    84     85 class Impl2(libxml2dom.svg.SVGImplementation):    86     87     "A special implementation referring to the above global class."    88     89     def get_global(self, doc):    90         return Global2(doc)    91     92 d2 = libxml2dom.svg.parseString(s2, impl=Impl2())    93 rect2 = d2.getElementById("therect")    94 event2 = d2.createEvent("MouseEvent")    95 event2.initEventNS(None, "click", 1, 1)    96 event2.detail = "1"    97 d2.sendEventToTarget(event2, rect2)    98     99 # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4