

2008-09-01 Paul Boddie Added notes about calling initialisers and instantiators, adopting a strategy where instantiation detected at compile-time is performed using an initialiser directly, whereas that detected at run-time is done using an instantiator whose code is now generated in the image. Added a finalise method to the Importer in order to set attribute locations before code generation, since some code (use of initialisers) requires details of a different program unit's locals (although this is actually unnecessary, but done because Attr instances are employed in the generated code). Changed class invocation at compile-time to acquire the new object reference from the frame of an already invoked initialiser just before dropping the frame. Added some support for raw image encoding of classes and functions. Changed JumpWithFrame usage to involve the current callable, not the current value. Added RecoverFrame and AdjustFrame instructions. Improved the tests around instantiation.
     1 #!/usr/bin/env python     2      3 """     4 A really simple virtual processor employing a simple set of instructions which     5 ignore low-level operations and merely concentrate on variable access, structure     6 access, structure allocation and function invocations.     7      8 Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Paul Boddie <paul@boddie.org.uk>     9     10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under    11 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software    12 Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later    13 version.    14     15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT    16 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS    17 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more    18 details.    19     20 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with    21 this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.    22     23 --------    24     25 The execution model of the virtual processor involves the following things:    26     27   * Memory    28   * PC (program counter) stack    29   * Frame stack (containing invocation frames in use and in preparation plus    30                 temporary storage)    31   * Local frame pointer stack    32   * Invocation frame pointer stack    33   * Exception handler stack    34   * Registers: current value, boolean status value, source value, result,    35                current exception, current callable    36     37 The memory contains constants, global variable references and program code.    38     39 The PC stack contains the return address associated with each function    40 invocation.    41     42 The frame pointer stack tracks the position of frames within the frame stack.    43 """    44     45 class IllegalInstruction(Exception):    46     pass    47     48 class IllegalAddress(Exception):    49     pass    50     51 class EmptyPCStack(Exception):    52     pass    53     54 class EmptyFrameStack(Exception):    55     pass    56     57 class RSVPMachine:    58     59     "A really simple virtual processor."    60     61     def __init__(self, memory, objtable, paramtable, pc=None, debug=0):    62     63         """    64         Initialise the processor with a 'memory' (a list of values containing    65         instructions and data) and the optional program counter 'pc'.    66         """    67     68         self.memory = memory    69         self.objtable = objtable    70         self.paramtable = paramtable    71         self.pc = pc or 0    72         self.debug = debug    73     74         # Stacks.    75     76         self.pc_stack = []    77         self.frame_stack = []    78         self.local_sp_stack = []    79         self.invocation_sp_stack = []    80         self.handler_stack = []    81     82         # Registers.    83     84         self.instruction = None    85         self.operand = None    86         self.value = None    87         self.status = None    88         self.source = None    89         self.callable = None    90         self.result = None    91         self.exception = None    92     93     def dump(self):    94         print "PC", self.pc    95         print "PC stack", self.pc_stack    96         print "Frame stack", self.frame_stack    97         print "Local stack pointers", self.local_sp_stack    98         print "Invocation stack pointers", self.invocation_sp_stack    99         print "Handler stack", self.handler_stack   100         print   101         print "Instruction", self.instruction   102         print "Operand", self.operand   103         print "Value", self.value   104         print "Status", self.status   105         print "Source", self.source   106         print "Callable", self.callable   107         print "Result", self.result   108         print "Exception", self.exception   109    110     def load(self, address):   111    112         "Return the value at the given 'address'."   113    114         try:   115             return self.memory[address]   116         except IndexError:   117             raise IllegalAddress, address   118    119     def save(self, address, value):   120    121         "Save to the given 'address' the specified 'value'."   122    123         try:   124             self.memory[address] = value   125         except IndexError:   126             raise IllegalAddress, address   127    128     def new(self, size):   129    130         """   131         Allocate space of the given 'size', returning the address of the space.   132         """   133    134         addr = len(self.memory)   135         for i in range(0, size):   136             self.memory.append(None)   137         return addr   138    139     def push_pc(self, data):   140    141         "Push 'data' onto the PC stack."   142    143         self.pc_stack.append(data)   144    145     def pull_pc(self):   146    147         "Pull a value from the PC stack and return it."   148    149         try:   150             return self.pc_stack.pop()   151         except IndexError:   152             raise EmptyPCStack   153    154     def run(self):   155    156         "Execute code in the memory, starting from the current PC address."   157    158         try:   159             while 1:   160                 self.execute()   161         except EmptyPCStack:   162             pass   163    164     def execute(self):   165    166         "Execute code in the memory at the current PC address."   167    168         self.instruction = self.load(self.pc)   169    170         # Process any inputs of the instruction.   171    172         self.process_inputs()   173    174         # Perform the instruction itself.   175    176         next_pc = self.perform(self.instruction)   177    178         # Update the program counter.   179    180         if next_pc is None:   181             self.pc += 1   182         else:   183             self.pc = next_pc   184    185     def get_method(self, instruction):   186    187         "Return the handler method for the given 'instruction'."   188    189         instruction_name = instruction.__class__.__name__   190         if self.debug:   191             print "%8d %s" % (self.pc, instruction_name)   192         method = getattr(self, instruction_name, None)   193         if method is None:   194             raise IllegalInstruction, (self.pc, instruction_name)   195         return method   196    197     def perform(self, instruction):   198    199         "Perform the 'instruction', returning the next PC value or None."   200    201         self.operand = instruction.get_operand()   202         method = self.get_method(instruction)   203         return method()   204    205     def process_inputs(self):   206    207         """   208         Process any inputs of the current instruction. This permits any directly   209         connected sub-instructions to produce the effects that separate   210         instructions would otherwise have.   211         """   212    213         for input in (self.instruction.input, self.instruction.source):   214             if input is not None:   215                 self.perform(input)   216    217     def jump(self, addr, next):   218    219         """   220         Jump to the subroutine at (or identified by) 'addr'. If 'addr'   221         identifies a library function then invoke the library function and set   222         PC to 'next' afterwards; otherwise, set PC to 'addr'.   223         """   224    225         if isinstance(addr, str):   226             getattr(self, addr)()   227             return next   228         else:   229             self.push_pc(self.pc + 2)   230             return addr   231    232     # Instructions.   233    234     def LoadConst(self):   235         self.value = None, self.operand   236    237     def LoadName(self):   238         frame = self.local_sp_stack[-1]   239         self.value = self.frame_stack[frame + self.operand]   240    241     def StoreName(self):   242         frame = self.local_sp_stack[-1]   243         self.frame_stack[frame + self.operand] = self.value   244    245     LoadTemp = LoadName   246     StoreTemp = StoreName   247    248     def LoadAddress(self):   249         # Preserve context (potentially null).   250         self.value = self.load(self.operand)   251    252     def LoadAddressContext(self):   253         value = self.load(self.operand)   254         # Replace the context with the current value.   255         self.value = self.value[1], value[1]   256    257     def StoreAddress(self):   258         # Preserve context.   259         self.save(self.operand, self.value)   260    261     def MakeObject(self):   262         # Introduce null context for new object.   263         self.value = None, self.new(self.operand)   264    265     def LoadAttr(self):   266         context, ref = self.value   267         # Retrieved context should already be appropriate for the instance.   268         self.value = self.load(ref + self.operand)   269    270     def StoreAttr(self):   271         context, ref = self.value   272         # Target should already be an instance.   273         self.save(ref + self.operand, self.source)   274    275     def LoadAttrIndex(self):   276         context, ref = self.value   277         classcode, attrcode, codeaddr, codedetails = self.load(ref)   278         element = self.objtable[classcode + self.operand]   279         attr_index, class_attr, replace_context, offset = element   280         if attr_index == self.operand:   281             if class_attr:   282                 loaded_context, loaded_ref = self.load(offset) # offset is address of class attribute   283                 if replace_context:   284                     self.value = ref, loaded_ref # classes can also replace the context if compatible   285                     return   286                 self.value = loaded_context, loaded_ref   287             else:   288                 self.value = self.load(ref + offset)   289         else:   290             # NOTE: This should cause an attribute error.   291             raise Exception, "LoadAttrIndex % r" % element   292    293     def StoreAttrIndex(self):   294         context, ref = self.value   295         classcode, attrcode, codeaddr, codedetails = self.load(ref)   296         element = self.objtable[classcode + self.operand]   297         attr_index, class_attr, replace_context, offset = element   298         if attr_index == self.operand:   299             if class_attr:   300                 # NOTE: This should cause an attribute or type error.   301                 # Class attributes cannot be changed at run-time.   302                 raise Exception, "StoreAttrIndex % r" % element   303             else:   304                 self.save(ref + offset, self.source)   305         else:   306             # NOTE: This should cause an attribute error.   307             raise Exception, "StoreAttrIndex % r" % element   308    309     # NOTE: LoadAttrIndexContext is a possibility if a particular attribute can always be overridden.   310    311     def MakeFrame(self):   312         self.invocation_sp_stack.append(len(self.frame_stack))   313         self.frame_stack.extend([None] * self.operand)   314    315     def DropFrame(self):   316         self.local_sp_stack.pop()   317         frame = self.invocation_sp_stack.pop()   318         self.frame_stack = self.frame_stack[:frame] # reset stack before call   319    320     def RecoverFrame(self):   321         self.local_sp_stack.pop()   322    323     def StoreFrame(self):   324         frame = self.invocation_sp_stack[-1] # different from the current frame after MakeFrame   325         self.frame_stack[frame + self.operand] = self.value   326    327     def StoreFrameIndex(self):   328         frame = self.invocation_sp_stack[-1] # different from the current frame after MakeFrame   329         classcode, attrcode, codeaddr, codedetails = self.load(ref)   330         element = self.objtable[classcode + self.operand]   331         attr_index, offset = element   332         if attr_index == self.operand:   333             self.frame_stack[frame + offset] = self.value   334         else:   335             # NOTE: This should cause an argument error.   336             raise Exception, "StoreFrameIndex % r" % element   337    338     def LoadCallable(self):   339         context, ref = self.value   340         classcode, attrcode, codeaddr, codedetails = self.load(ref)   341         self.callable = codeaddr, codedetails   342    343     def StoreCallable(self):   344         context, ref = self.value   345         # NOTE: Should improve the representation and permit direct saving.   346         classcode, attrcode, codeaddr, codedetails = self.load(ref)   347         self.save(ref, (classcode, attrcode) + self.callable)   348    349     def LoadContext(self):   350         context, ref = self.value   351         self.value = None, context   352    353     def CheckFrame(self):   354         operand = self.operand   355         frame = self.invocation_sp_stack[-1]   356         context, ref = self.value   357         classcode, attrcode, codeaddr, codedetails = self.load(ref)   358    359         # Support sliding of the frame to exclude any inappropriate context.   360    361         if context is None:   362             frame = frame[1:]   363             operand -= 1   364         else:   365             if contexttype == self.typetype:   366                 frame = frame[1:]   367                 operand -= 1   368    369         nargs, ndefaults = codedetails   370         if not (nargs - ndefaults <= operand <= nargs):   371             raise Exception, "CheckFrame %r" % (nargs - ndefaults, self.operand, nargs)   372    373         # NOTE: Support population of defaults.   374    375     def CheckSelf(self):   376         context, ref = self.value   377         target_context, target_ref = self.source   378    379         # Load the details of the proposed context and the target's context.   380    381         classcode, attrcode, codeaddr, codedetails = self.load(ref)   382         target_classcode, target_attrcode, target_codeaddr, target_codedetails = self.load(target_context)   383    384         # Find the table entry for the descendant.   385    386         element = self.objtable[target_classcode + attrcode]   387         attr_index, class_attr, replace_context, offset = element   388         if attr_index == attrcode:   389             self.status = 1   390         else:   391             self.status = 0   392    393     def JumpWithFrame(self):   394         self.local_sp_stack.append(self.invocation_sp_stack[-1]) # adopt the invocation frame   395         return self.jump(self.callable, self.pc + 1) # return to the instruction after this one   396    397     def ExtendFrame(self):   398         frame = self.local_sp_stack[-1]   399         frame.extend([None] * self.operand)   400    401     def AdjustFrame(self):   402         if self.operand > 0:   403             frame.append([None] * self.operand)   404         elif self.operand == -1:   405             self.invocation_sp_stack[-1] -= 1   406         else:   407             raise Exception, "AdjustFrame %r" % self.operand   408    409     def Return(self):   410         self.pc = self.pull_pc()   411    412     def LoadResult(self):   413         self.value = self.result   414    415     def StoreResult(self):   416         self.result = self.value   417    418     def Jump(self):   419         return self.operand   420    421     def JumpIfTrue(self):   422         if self.status:   423             return self.operand   424    425     def JumpIfFalse(self):   426         if not self.status:   427             return self.operand   428    429     def LoadException(self):   430         self.value = self.exception   431    432     def StoreException(self):   433         self.exception = self.value   434    435     def RaiseException(self):   436         return self.handler_stack.pop()   437    438     def PushHandler(self):   439         self.handler_stack.append(self.operand)   440    441     def PopHandler(self):   442         self.handler_stack.pop()   443    444     def CheckException(self):   445         self.status = self.value[1] == self.exception   446    447     def TestIdentity(self):   448         self.status = self.value[1] == self.source   449    450     def TestIdentityAddress(self):   451         self.status = self.value[1] == self.operand   452    453     # LoadBoolean is implemented in the generated code.   454     # StoreBoolean is implemented by testing against the True value.   455    456     def InvertBoolean(self):   457         self.status = not self.status   458    459 # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4